Top 10 reasons to hire fractional executives

Enterprise and early-stage companies have the same goals - reliably serve stakeholders, meet financial objectives, and command markets of choice.

Enterprise companies

have resources to scale, a longer runway

Early-stage companies

have a short runway, requiring on-demand expertise with smart economics.

The top 10

1. GRAY HAIR - THOSE OF US WHO DON'T 'COLOR' - If experience and failure are good teachers, then we have been trained by the best. We can read a P&L, a balance sheet, tell you if your EBITDA is healthy or not, and talk about market multipliers. We have depth in the 4 areas that concern CEO's: Top Line, Risk, Ops and Bottom Line.

2. FAVORABLE ECONOMICS - Most of us have achieved our money goals many times over or no longer have the overhead of our own company. Our kids are out of the house, or independent, and we have simpler lifestyles.

3. QUICK STUDIES - We know a thing or two, because....ya know; like Farmers Insurance®. We can triage a company and all elements quickly. We know where to look and what questions to ask. We see things others don't, or before they do.

4. METHODICAL - We had good mentors and we learned from artisans who, in many instances, developed the precepts upon which businesses depend to this day.

5. WE GET OUT OF THE WAY - Many people think we can't keep up; we no longer have energy or drive. We've learned a certain economy of motion, true. And if we get in the way, we'll step aside. Frankly, we just want to build guardrails that keep you in your lane; safe. We'll then turn you loose.

6. TRANSITIONAL - We are focused on transferring tribal knowledge. We want others to benefit from our experience. And frankly, we get jazzed more about our skills now than we did 25 years ago.

7. NO AGENDA - We have no aspirations to climb any corporate ladder. We rarely climb the ladder to fix the spouting anymore. We don't need 'validation.'

8. BY-THE-GLASS - Use us as much or as little as you like. We're like the SaaS model - throttle up or down depending on needs.

9. WE KNOW OTHERS WHO CAN BENEFIT YOUR BUSINESS – Our generation conducted business on the telephone, in the office, and sometimes on the golf course. Relationships were forged face-to-face because there were few other choices. We have nurtured those relationships and often, they benefit our clients as well.

10. WE HAVE CUTE GRAND KIDS - I have three, and I’ll show you pictures. Fractional executives do have the cutest grand kids. We are not sure why.

July 8, 2021 by Susan Fennema

Found at “Beyond the Chaos,” click the image to read the article.


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