Go2Market Strategy

Voice of the Customer is “truth” about key markets - insight necessary for confidence in the Go2Market strategy.

Day-in-the-life Interviews

Primary research is based on our decades of experience interviewing market witnesses.

Sales Strategy

The disintermediation that often exists between sales and marketing inhibits revenue growth.

Utilizing The Challenger Sale, our Market Engagement Model and Sales Playbook, aligning value proposition messaging with sales personnel increases the probability of revenue growth.


Leveraging the Value Model, messaging that communicates the Why, What and How elements of the value proposition.

We use The Challenger Sale format to enhance storytelling.


…integrated with “Competitive Position”

Identify markets of opportunity, including adjacent and underserved markets. The goal is to find markets where your offer is an unfair advantage to command those markets.

Competitive Position

…integrated with “Segmentation”

Understanding buyers’ criteria for a decision to buy, we analyze the perception of your company’s value vs. that of competing alternatives, including DIY and do nothing, to amplify differentiation.

Market Trends

External forces contribute to market dynamics and influence those markets, and decision makers. Understanding Macro Market Trends is the frame around the picture painted by the Voice of the Customer.


“In the modern era, the concept of branding has expanded to include deployment of marketing and communication techniques and tools that distinguish a company or products from competitors, to create a lasting impression in the minds of customers.” Wiki

We are proud to be a Rev1 Ventures Vetted Service Provider.