Value model: deliver ‘v3’

Warren's most important word in this quote is "get." Customers care less about who you are, what you do, or how you do it. They care most about what they get as a result of your offer. 

In this day and age where speed is the new economy, succinct communications is the new currency. We had the opportunity to work with groups of entrepreneurs in recent weeks and help them prepare their go-to-market plan. However, whether you're a startup or a mature enterprise, the emphasis is on honing the value prop and communicating that effectively.  

Voice of the Customer is the key to building your Value model for success. 

  • Value Proposition - the experience with your company, your offer, part journey and part destination, with evidence of improved outcomes.

  • Value Messaging - the smart words to describe the value prop.

  • Value Delivery - this is your Referral Well, the assurance that you deliver on the promise of the value prop.


Qualify prospects to 4 criteria (“PUMA”)


Grow early-stage companies with speed & discipline